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Garb in the 1300's

Hey all! I'm in the process of gathering materials to hand over to a volunteer who has accepted the job of making loner garb for volunteers at Two Rivers Medieval Faire and other volunteer activities. Thanks to the generous donations of some of our local hotels we have old sheets that we have been dyed, cut, and painted for use as walls around Faire, we have some that been tea dyed to use as material for clothing, and then we have pillow cases. These pillow cases are the hardest to figure out what to do with, but through in depth research and some crazy ideas it has finally been decided to turn all those pillow cases into tabards!

As I was assembling the kits to hand over to our amazing volunteer, I decided to do some research to find out what is appropriate for our time period. Most of what I've found is that the style I am looking at having her create is a little late for our time period... but its just going to have to do! I am planning for something simple like what was worn during the crusades. Proper period attire would have sleeve tops added. For a little more information on period garb to help flesh out your persona, check out the two websites below!

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