Trials of Blaa
Black Knight Society is having a Potluck where they are encouraging attendees to bring Irish foods from the 1300's. As I will not have...
Garb in the 1300's
Hey all! I'm in the process of gathering materials to hand over to a volunteer who has accepted the job of making loner garb for...
History of Chutes and Ladders
A game that Americans have been playing for less than 100 years is almost 1,000 years old! Chutes and Ladders started out as a game to...
Basics of 1300's Irish Cuisine
Ireland Food Notes: Milk - Whitemeat or Cottled Milk (like cottage cheese) - Slaves and workers were given the green milk to drink this...
A game for the ages. Who knows when it came about, how long it's been around, or who invented it. This is a great game with many...
A Slideshow of Games
At Two Rivers Medieval Faire there are games to play when you need a break from the sun and wandering around. From Mancala to Nine Man...
Nine Man Morris
This is a great family game for all ages. The skills required can be learned early on and the strategy aspect will grow with practice and...
Two Rivers Medieval Faire Setting
Wexford lies on the south side of Wexford Harbour, the estuary of the River Slaney. According to a local legend, the town got its Irish...
Types of Shields
Viking Shields Large Round Wooden Shield’s were used in Battle by the Vikings; they were also used as stretchers to carry the wounded off...
Fairy Gnoc
Apparently a sidhe (shee) is the portal to the Otherworld. Gnoc is the word for "a hill" and can be a sidhe hill or a regular dirt hill....